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Das Projekt "Frauenalia’s Hub" wird gefördert aus Mitteln der Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales, Gleichstellung, Integration, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung, Abteilung Frauen und Gleichstellung. 

Are you a migrant woman who wants to become an entrepreneur or is already an entrepreneur in Berlin?

Then become part of the HUB!

Frauenalia's Hub is an incubator for start-ups by international women, in which each participant can develop her entrepreneurial personality and her business at the same time.

We learn together and found together! The multidisciplinary team of Frauenalia is involved in many ways to help you lead your company to success. Within the four modules of our program, the participants deal with and deepen the central topics of each phase of the company's founding. The modules are independent of each other, so that participants can register for the module that best suits their current situation. 


In addition, our Frauenalia's Hub offers (future) female founders thematic compact courses on various essential aspects of a start-up and company design.
Furthermore, there is the option of seeking individual advice from an expert in our pool on specific questions




Are you interested in setting up your own business, but you lack the information to decide whether this is the best employment option for you in Germany?



Do you already have a business idea but don't know where to start and how to develop it into a viable concept?


We can help you plan your business thoroughly before you take the plunge!

Let's create your start-up together!


Have you already developed your idea, implemented it or are you about to do so and are you facing challenges in establishing it on the market?

We will support and advise you on the consolidation of your company.
Your success is our success.



Are you a visual artist with an immigrant background who wants to professionalize and make a profit from their artistic work?

We will support you in this!

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